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Consent form | Mom In Balance


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Mom In Balance

Consent form

We need your permission to participate in the survey. Therefore, please read the information below carefully.

This survey uses Survey Monkey. Mom in Balance respects your privacy and personal data. Nevertheless, we would very much like your input, for which we need some personal data. The privacy policy of Mom in Balance can be found here.

What is the research about?

We regularly send out surveys to understand how you experience our workouts, web shop or tools. These surveys may consist of questions and statements that help us understand your experience. The results of the surveys help us to improve our offer. So we love to hear your feedback!

We use Survey Monkey to develop our surveys.

Good to know

Your answers within our surveys are always anonymous. We can see the answers, but we do not know that they are your answers. We use your answers and those of others to do analysis. We keep your answers anonymized for 2 years.

Should you have any questions at a later stage, want additional information or withdraw your participation, you may contact our head office at

The survey will ask you to agree to the above information. By clicking yes, you agree to participate in this survey. Mom in Balance respects your privacy and personal data. You can read our privacy policy here.

Meld je aan voor onze nieuwsbrief

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Ontvang regelmatig een inspirerende nieuwsbrief én leuke kortingscodes speciaal voor jou. Je leest ons privacy statement hoe we jouw gegevens gebruiken.