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Wendy Douma | Mom In Balance


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Wendy Douma

My name is Wendy, mother to Mila (2006), Jana (2008) en Boris (2011) and trainer at Mom in Balance Amsterdam. I've been doing this increadibly amazing job ever since 2009.

Besides being a trainer for Mom in Balance, I also work as a bodypump instructor at several gyms in Amsterdam. I enjoy taking part in other Les Mills group classes like Gritt Strength, Barre and Bodycombat. I also love taking long holidays, completely unplug and fully relax, doing fun things and having adventures with the kids. This inspires me greatly.

With a lot of passion I try to motivate and excite my pregnant members to stay fit and keep active during the pregnant workouts. Also after, in the Back in Shape phase, to have an active recovery in a safe and responsible way, to then send the fully recovered, fit and super strong members on to my Mpower colleagues.


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