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MpowerNext Workout - NEXT level vitality! | Mom In Balance


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Mom In Balance


Your body at its strongest! MpowerNext is a dynamic workout that offers a balanced mix of strength training, cardio, and mobility. Through the combination of interval and endurance training, you work towards a resilient body. Challenge yourself! Prepare your body for (pre)menopause - let's keep your mind cool & your body HOT!

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Here's what MpowerNext offers you:

  • You experience next level strength & vitality

  • You optimize your hormonal balance

  • You prevent injuries

  • Know yourself & set your boundaries!

Our experts know exactly what your body needs to maintain this feeling. After this training, you'll go home feeling fantastic, promised!

A strong sports routine

Is building a sports routine possible for everyone? Absolutely! That's the power of our workouts. As you genuinely feel how much stronger you are within a few weeks, your motivation grows even stronger!

When to start with MpowerNext?

The MpowerNext program is developed for every woman who, typically from the age of 40, feels a changing need for sports and wants to (en)live this next phase powerfully! You want:

❑ A sporty new balance in your life

❑ Keep your body flexible in motion

❑ Be challenged within your physical limits

❑ Feel strong & vital!

Then MpowerNext is for you!


Exercising is a true passion of mine. I've been doing it for a whopping 10 years at Mom in Balance because training outdoors together is so enjoyable. I love the challenging workouts that blend cardio and strength. Exercising with other ambitious women is both inspiring and motivating. The enthusiastic trainers and the group itself encourage you to take that extra step. The workouts make me literally and figuratively strong. It truly energizes you.

Saskia de Roode

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