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Mpower Workout | Mom In Balance


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Mom In Balance


Mpower is a total body workout with a mix of strength, cardio, and high-intensity exercises. Always in a group of inspiring women, you challenge yourself to your maximum capacity. Every week, you take that extra step! Are you ready?!

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Ready to be challenged?!

Mpower challenges you to push your limits! This intensive training offers a dynamic combination of strength, competition and fun. With professional trainers, you work on building physical and mental resilience. The result? Great condition, a strong body and a positive mindset!

What Mpower offers you:

  • You become physically & mentally stronger week after week.

  • You experience an optimal combination of strength, cardio, and HIIT for maximum results.

  • You work towards your personal (sporting) goals and receive a positive mindset as a gift.

  • You create the power to effortlessly combine work, family, and 'me-time' & enjoy life to the fullest!

A strong sports routine

Building a sports routine for everyone possible? Absolutely! That's the strength of our workouts. Because within a few weeks, you really feel how much stronger you are, the greater your motivation becomes!

Curious? Watch our video about the Mpower workout below.

When to start with Mpower?

We have a short checklist for you: 

❑ You have given birth at least five months ago.

❑ Your diastasis is sufficiently closed, you have no diastasis-related complaints anymore and move without compensation.

❑ You do not experience complaints anymore on your pelvic floor: you have no urine loss* and no pain anymore in your pelvis.

*while performing exercises during sports


It is great to be challenged again at Mpower after doing the Pregnant and Back in Shape workout. This workout helps me not only to build up my physical endurance and strength again, but also to develop them further.

Kitty Wilmink

The Mom in Balance training sessions have given me a lot of energy for years. A fixed routine during the week; no thinking and go! Even in busy times or when I'm tired; I can recharge myself and get going again. It is always a great feeling when I come home again!

Vivien Hulshof

I find Mpower a wonderful workout. It's nice to train together with other sporty mothers in the open air. I've also gained quite a few girlfriends and acquaintances from Mpower who I not only train with, but who I also go for drinks with! It's all about balance, right ;)


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